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Kingdom Connections is looking for men and women that will continue the training provided at the Kingdom Discovery Conferences. Transformation is a process and Empowerment is progressive. Using ‘Created by God, Born to Rule’ and ‘A Kingdom which cannot be Shaken’, you will continue to help others through this process.


This training has previously been taught on a weekly basis for six and nine month periods. Several students have taken this training twice, as this material is challenging. It was this way for the disciples of Jesus and it is the same today.


However, to make this training available to more churches, we are providing Kingdom Discovery Conferences to help and encourage others to change their world for Christ. These are eight (8) hour, Friday night and Saturday sessions that provide and introduce you to the training. If these hours are not suitable for your church, we can accommodate your situation.


How to have a Kingdom Discovery conference in your church:a)


Obtain a copy of both books, “Created by God, BORN TO RULE” and “A KNIGDOM WHICH CANNOT BE SHAKEN”

b) Read, Study – let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart

c)Use our Blog…your questions and comments are welcome

d) Minister to those around you as your knowledge and faith increases

e) Invite others to join you in this exciting journey down the Pathway to Abundant Life and Effective Ministry

f) Sit down with your Pastor and discuss calling Kingdom Connections for a conference date at your Church (954) 376-9721

g) Attend a Kingdom Discovery Conference! See you there!


Start a Kingdom Connections Gathering in your home to share the news.


Bob Farrier Kingdom Ministry is looking for men and women that will continue the training provided at the Chosen Generation Conferences. Using “New Wineskins for New Wine” and “Greater Works Than These Shall You Do”, you will continue to help others be prepared for the great end-time harvest to go and make disciples.


This training has been presented in Pastors Conferences in many countries of the world. I have also preached from these two books in conferences on the Supernatural move of God


To make this training available to more churches, we are providing Kingdom Discovery Workshops to help and encourage others to change their world for Christ. This is an eight (8) hour, Friday night and Saturday session that introduces you to Kingdom Culture and Kingdom Living. If these hours are not suitable for your church, we can accommodate your situation.


How to have a Kingdom Discovery Workshop in your church:



Each book has its own Kingdom Discovery Workshop.

b) Read, Study, Mediate – let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart.
c) Write to me if you have any questions.
d) Minister to those around you as your knowledge and faith increases. 
e) Invite others to join you in this exciting journey down the pathway to Abundant Life and Effective Ministry.

f) Sit down with your Pastor and discuss calling Bob Farrier for a Kingdom Discovery Workshop date at your Church (678) 608-0497

g) Attend a CHOSEN GENERATION Conference! See you there!

Start a Chosen Generation Gathering in your home to share the news


Bob Farrier Kingdom Ministry Training will enable you to discover and fulfill your divine purpose with Strength and Wisdom.

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Kingdom Connections Training will

enable you to discover and fulfill your divine purpose

with Strength and Wisdom.If you would like to become part of our mailing list,

please enter your E-mail address in the box below!

Extending  the Kindom of God

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