Kingdom Ministries
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to lead people in pursuit to walk in greater maturity, wisdom, holiness and with power. We are dedicated to helping God’s people to have Christ formed in them encourage. Our goal is for people to receive understanding of their authority as citizens of the Kingdom, challenge others to accept the mission given to the Church and equip them. We will present principals that release people to do the work of the ministry; preaching the Gospel the Kingdom of God, Setting Captives Free, and Healing the Sick.
Bob Farrier a firm believer of God‘s faithfulness to His Word in fulfilling His purpose for His creation. Your participation in the battle to fulfill His purpose is what brings God pleasure and will bring you fulfillment beyond your expectations.
Bob Farrier Kingdom Ministry is a ministry dedicated to the declaration of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Through our books and Chosen Generation Conferences and Kingdom Discovery Workshops, we mentor people who will undertake to live out the culture of the Kingdom and use the power of God to set others free.
Our assignment is not to instruct only. Our mission is to bring you into that place where you develop your relationship with the Holy Spirit so that Christ is formed in you and His power is released to help those in need. We will help you to be the OverComer that God desires you to be. Our goal is to help you take the Kingdom of God and its life-giving power to those outside the Church walls.
Bob Farrier was ordained to the ministry in 1982 and travels internationally to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God and train Disciples to become OverComers.
Bob and his wife, Bea, reside in Loganville, Georgia
Purpose Statement
Our Purpose is to ‘Awaken the Church to the REALITY of Kingdom Living and the Adventure of being an OverComer’. Kingdom Living is living in the will of the Father, by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Our emphasis is on building your relationship with an almighty God, and that your life is one that is lived by the life of another.
What we Believe
We believe: God the eternal giver of life, created the heavens and the earth in order to extend His kingdom from the invisible to the visible-from the spiritual to the physical realm. He created Man in His image to have dominion over His extended kingdom and to fill the earth with the culture of the kingdom of heaven and form a community of kingdom citizens.
We believe: Man was given a free will, which he exercised when he was deceived to rebel against God and surrender the kingdom to Satan who then became the ruler of this earth. When Man rebelled against God, he lost his relationship and his position of authority with his creator. He is now subject to the same penalty of death and hell as Satan and his followers from Heaven.
We believe: God gave a promise of a savior/king who would reclaim His kingdom. He chose a man and his wife whose descendants would become a nation. This nation of Israel was to make the name of God known throughout the world. From this nation, God would bring the Messiah, the Savior/King. His parents would call his name Jesus.
We believe: Jesus individually calls new Believers to follow Him and be joined into His Church, which is His Body. His Church is a community of Believers that exhibit the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.
They are to demonstrate the power of the king by casting out demons and healing the sick. The Church is to reveal the righteousness of the King by their attitudes and actions to each other and to the world.
We believe: There is coming a day when we, the Believer, will be called to Heaven to stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and attend the Marriage Supper of the Lamb as the Bride of Christ. Those whose name are not written in the Lamb’s book of life will be destined to the same fate as Satan; spending an eternity in the lake of fire.